"The knife fencing of the south of Italy is not jumping back and forth with a knife in your hand.The fencing of the south of Italy is technique, tactic, strategy, planning, tradition, balance, power, strenght, calm, hatred, rancor, fury, patience, perseverance, determination, memory, blood, sweat, being mortified, delusion, tears, joy, fun, sacrifice, impulse, rhythm, vengeance, instinct, reasoning...and much more."

The tradition of the knife fencing in the Ofantine valley can be dated back at least 200 years of real-life experience with the knife combat for defense. It was passed from father to son. Part of the school is the use of the twine for pedagogic scope.

Structure of of the school is formed by "legature" (bindings). They are organized in two main elements: tactics and techniques. The "legature' are divided into:


  • Legature alla corta distanza (Bindings at short distance), called in the school as "Parte Irrazionale" (Irrational Part)


  • Legature alla lunga distanza (Bindings at long distance), called "parte razionale" (rational part).



"Cielo and Meraviglia" style contains tactics and techniques at a distance and long distances. This school contains all the fencing knowledge of the Ofantina valley. The "legature" are organized into two main elements: tactics and techniques. Tactics are like chords in music. Each agreement is made from a sequence of musical notes. Likewise, the "legature" of fencing "Cielo e Meraviglia" is made by at least one tactic and two techniques. Each "legature" has a story and all are derived from real situations. These experiences and abilities to fight and defend themselves with knives are secretly passed from father to son, relative to relative, from a trusted friend to a trusted friend. Thus becoming part of a family heritage enriched by generations in generations from the union of these experiences. Over the centuries this heritage has become complex, organized and sophisticated to become a true school organized into a complex "fencing grammar", enriched with tactics and techniques. The first codification was formalized at the beginning of the 20th century. A second codification took place shortly after World War II, in the 1950s. The "legature" are divided into: Binding to the short distance, called in school as "Irrational Part". Long distance bindings, called "rational part". Each "ligature" can be used as "counter-ligature". However, the application of ligature against ligature requires a higher level of knowledge of art, which only a depositary master possesses. In fact, the school is organized in different levels and encryptions, specific codes are needed to unlock certain secrets. Currently only two people live know these codes.

"Monsignore" style

It is a style developed to fight in large spaces based on the "rational part." Its feature is based on the use of the armed hand while the disarmed hand usually holds the lapel of the jacket or in the pocket holding a rosary close. The pull was said "Improvised" and made with real knives.