Stick fencing tradition in Ofantina' s valley, was preserved by sheppards and few farmers. Stick was normally used as a working tool, to manage the flock, but it was used, when required, as a self defense weapon.

The stick is used to include tectnics and tactics at long distances. Maestro Mancino, when he was a boy, was brought to his mother to learn the stick with the shepherds, worried by his continuous quarrels. The stick method in "Cielo e Meraviglia ". The stick has a slightly longer length than an umbrella. It can be handled with one or both hands in certain techniques. Pedagogy is similar to fencing the knife, at least in the beginning. On the contrary, tactics and techniques in stick combat in the advanced stage differ from the knife and have their own characteristics. As with the knife, the club tradition of "Cielo e Meraviglia" school is divided in "rational" and "irrational" part. Stick fencing study is organized into a set of tactics based on the various distances.